Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012
Net Worth Update (October 2012)
Net worth for October increased by a mere 0.15% due to the fall in my commodities fund and the unexplained selldown in Biosensors. I believe the sound management and good fundamentals of Biosensors are making current prices look attractive. Biosensors is currently on a short term downtrend and the next important event will be the release of its financial results on 7 November 2012.
Cash/cash equivalents decreased by $2927.68 due to the purchase of 3 lots of Biosensors. Stock holdings increased by $3420 for the same reason.
Senin, 29 Oktober 2012
My Maids Are Now Richer Than Many Managers
My Maids Are Now Richer Than Many Managers
By Bo Sanchez
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TrulyRichClub |
Three years ago, I taught my Maids how to invest in the Stock Market. People laughed at me when I told them what I was doing. “That’s too much for them,” one friend told me. “They can’t handle that. It’s better to teach them how to put their money in the bank.”
But who’s laughing now? One of my maids has Php363, 658 in her Stock Market account. My other maid has Php210, 847 in her account. That may not be much to you, but to them, they feel very rich. And here’s a fact: My Maids are now richer than many Managers.
I’m not kidding. You see, I talk to a lot of Managers when I give corporate seminars. Many of them have Zero savings and are buried in debt. My maids? They’re confident that in 5 to 7 more years, they’ll have Php 1 Million. And 20 years, over P5 Million.
If you've got 20 minutes a month, you can work a financial miracle in your life.
Each month, my maids bought the Stocks I told them to buy. It wasn’t easy, believe me. There were days when they didn’t want to invest their money—because they wanted to buy something. But with my coaching, they disciplined themselves and invested their money.
All it takes is 20 minutes a month. First, set aside 20% of your salary each month. Next, put in your small amount into the Stocks I tell you to buy—which can be done all online, seated in front of your computer, in the comfort of your home. And that’s it. Do this each month and you’re all set to retire a multi-millionaire.
Here’s the deal: Whatever small amounts you can put into the Stock Market today will be worth millions 20 years from now. I believe that investing (not trading) in the Stock Market is one of the best ways of growing your passive income. Yes, there’s a difference between trading and investing. And my eBook and special Reports will teach you the difference.
Guarantee: You’ll Be Able To Understand Me
Do you know the problem with the Stock Market world? They don’t speak English. Honest. They speak a strange dialect that is spoken only in the second moon of the planet Uranus. But I’ve solved that problem. If my maids can understand me, then anyone can understand me.
I’ll Hold Your Hands Every Step Of The Way
Here’s what I do for my TrulyRichClub Gold members. Twice a month, I send a very short “Stocks Update”. I’ll tell you what companies I’m investing in and how they’re doing. Why will I give this “Stocks Update” Report? To give my TrulyRichClub members guidance and inspiration.
Especially when there’s a crisis, my “Stocks Update” will be crucial. It will prevent you from selling your Stocks because of your panic—and lose your money. And it will encourage you to do the very opposite—buy great companies when the prices are very low.
Join Today and You’ll Start Stocks Investing Next Week
My maids Invest in the Stock Market |
I have to be honest with you: This may not be for you. I don’t want you to get into something that isn’t for you. First of all, this isn’t for the person who doesn’t have a job or business.
In order to invest regularly, you’ve got to earn regularly. (My Maids earn a smaller salary than Managers, but you see, it’s not how much you earn, but how much you keep of what you earn.) If you have a regular income and are willing to set aside a few pesos a month to invest in long-term investments—so you can create millions for your future—then listen up.
Read carefully: In two months, 2012 is gone.
So here’s my big question for you: Can you PREPARE now so that 2013 will be very different from 2012? Do you want 2013 to be your banner year of growing your finances? Will you do something NOW?
Or will you be wondering again when 2013 chugs along, “Oh my gosh, the year is going so fast… Why haven’t I done anything to secure my financial future?”
If you want me to help you, then click here now. Sign up today, because I’ll be sending out my Stocks Update Report next week for my TrulyRichClub Gold members.
By next week, you can already start investing in the Stock Market. (My “starter’s kit” will also teach you how to create an online account in COLFinancial, the biggest online stocks brokerage in the country. You can also email us for any questions on how to do it.)
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez
PS1. Take Charge Of Your Financial Future. Don’t leave your 2013 to chance. Do something today that will give you financial freedom in your advanced years. I believe investing little amounts each month in the Stock Market will give you financial freedom in the later years of your life. To take charge of your financial future, click here now.
PS2. By the way, the TrulyRichClub isn’t just all about the Stock Market. It’s also about having an abundance mindset. Why? Believe me, all the technical stuff I’ll teach about The Stock Market WON’T WORK if you don’t have an abundance mindset. So in the Club, you’ll also receive a lot of Audio Talks and eReports from me about having an abundance mindset. To take charge of your financial future, click here now.
Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012
Telephone Interview Update
I think I did quite well for the telephone interview as I was quite well prepared. Here are the questions posed to me :
Tell me about yourself
Why are you suitable for this role?
Describe an event where you showcased your integrity
Describe an event where you encountered a communication conflict and how did you resolve it?
What is the most challenging task that you have done to date?
What is the most challenging module that you have done? Why is it challenging? Did you like this module?
Do you work well in a team? How do you usually contribute to your team? Give an example where you contributed to your team and what did you learn from it?
As you can see, the telephone interview made up of mostly competency questions. It took about 25 minutes in total and the outcome of the interview will be released by the end of next week.
Meanwhile, another bank has invited me to take their psychometric test.
We have reviewed your details against our recruitment criteria and would like to invite you to participate in the next stage of our selection process, which will be a psychometric test designed to look for key behaviours essential to the position that you have applied for.
I was pleasantly surprised that I managed to advance to the next stage of the selection process as my friend who has a higher GPA than me got rejected by this same bank.
This coming week will be extremely hectic and I might not have the time to apply for more jobs. By the end of this year, I aim to secure a full time job and reach the $60,000 mark for my net worth.
Senin, 22 Oktober 2012
There Are Three Gospels in Relation to Money; Which Do You Follow?
There Are Three Gospels in Relation to Money; Which Do You Follow?
People ask me, “Bo, are you a prosperity preacher?” I’m not sure if you’re familiar with the term, “prosperity gospel”. Even if you’re not, it would be good to know what it is—so when people ask you about it, you’ll know how to answer.
Money Gospel |
You see, I believe that in relation to money, there are three types of gospels being preached today. There’s only one Gospel, of course. It’s the Gospel of Jesus. But because we’re human beings, the gospel is preached in various ways with various interpretations.
Here are the three types of gospels in relation to money:
1. Prosperity gospel
2. Poverty gospel
3. Practical gospel
Let me spill the beans here: I preach the practical gospel. By the way, please don’t try to Google “practical gospel”. You won’t find anything about it out there. Because, I coined the phrase myself. It’s my approach to life. There are three big differences between each of these gospels, and I’ll explain them to you now:
First Difference: What Is the Sign of God’s Favor?
These three gospels differ by the signs that say that you have God’s favor on your life…
1. Prosperity Gospel
Prosperity preachers live in luxury. Prosperity preachers live in gated mansions with 14 rooms. They wear Armani suits. They wear a Patek Philippe watch. They drive in a shiny gold Rolls Royce. They fly in their own private Lear jets.
Many people are scandalized because their wealth comes from their huge salaries, taken from the tithes and donations of their church members. Yet they still flaunt their wealth. Why? Because they believe that ostentatious wealth is a sign of God’s favor.
2. Poverty Gospel
From the other side of the spectrum is the poverty gospel. Poverty preachers believe that poverty is a sign of God’s favor. Because we’re a Catholic country, we Filipinos are more familiar with the poverty gospel than the prosperity gospel.
Why? Remember that celibate nuns and priests were our teachers in school—nuns and priests who took the vow of poverty. (Note: I’m not looking down at the vow of poverty. It’s a very special and beautiful call from God to celibates.)
But because of this, deeply etched in our subconscious is the belief that if we really want to be holy, we should be poor like St. Francis of Assisi. If we want to gain brownie points with God, we should be poor like Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
Somewhere in our subconscious, we believe that in God’s sight, rich people are second-class citizens of the Kingdom. That’s not true.
Here’s what I believe in…
3. Practical Prosperity
I don’t believe that ostentatious wealth is a sign of God’s favor. (I believe ostentatious wealth is a sign of foolishness.) Nor do I believe that poverty is a sign of God’s favor too. Here’s the difference between these three gospels:
The prosperity gospel believes in scandalous prosperity. The poverty gospel believes in spiritual prosperity only. The practical gospel believes in simple prosperity. I believe simplicity is the happiest way to live. The sign of God’s favor isn’t wealth or poverty. The sign of God’s favor is GENEROSITY.
Two Benefits of Living Simply
Each year, my income increases. My small businesses are growing. And I work hard to keep on expanding my income every day. But deliberately, my lifestyle has remained simple.
Two reasons:
1. So I can give more.
2. So I can relax more.
Simplicity is the wisest way to live your life!
Why I’m Relaxed
I’m relaxed. I live in a simple house. I live in a small house. It’s so small, if I have visitors, all I have to do is close all the windows and open the door of my refrigerator. And you’d think I have central air-conditioning. I can build a bigger house. But I’ve decided not to do that because I don’t want to complicate my life.
You Can’t Judge if Someone Is Living Simply or Not
By the way, there’s no one standard of simplicity. You can’t peek over your shoulder, looking if the other person beside you is living simply or not. Simplicity is relative. The simpler you are, the less relatives you have. (Sorry, my mind sometimes short circuits and comes up with these terribly corny jokes.) Simplicity is a posture of the heart.
For example, I know of someone who drives a P4 million Volvo. That may not be simple for you but that is simple for him. Why? Because he’s so wealthy, he can afford to own a Ferrari, a Porsche, and a Lamborghini— but he decided not to. So he can give more to God’s work. I repeat: There is no one standard of simplicity. Each person must decide what is simple for him.
Second Big Difference: Does God Want You to Be Rich?
The three gospels differ in answering this very important question…
1. Prosperity Gospel
Prosperity preachers believe that God wants you to be rich and it’s a sin to be poor.
2. Poverty Gospel
Poverty preachers believe the very opposite. They believe that God wants you to be poor and it’s a sin to be rich.
3. Practical Gospel
Here’s what I believe: God wants you to be generous! And to be rich or poor is a choice that God leaves up to you. He really leaves a lot of choices to us: Where to live; how to serve Him; whether to get married or not; whether to dye our hair green or purple…
A lot of people ask me, “Bo, what is God’s will for my life?” They think that God has a detailed plan for them. I don’t believe in that. If God has a detailed plan for us, He shouldn’t have given us a phenomenal brain. He should have made us robots!
But He didn’t. He gave us incredible creativity and a powerful imagination. Why? To fill in the details.
I believe God’s will for us is to a broad vision, not a detailed plan. He calls us to love Him with all our hearts, minds, and souls. How we’ll do that is really up to us. I’m a father for my two boys. My greatest dream for my kids isn’t to become rich. My greatest dream for my kids is to be grown-up men who will live for others. Grown-up men who will give big and gain big.
Now if they can do that as wealthy men, that’ll be wonderful. That’ll be a great bonus. Because they can use their wealth for God’s work. God is Father, and I believe He wants us to be as loving as Jesus is loving. To be rich or poor is our choice.
Third Big Difference: How Do You Prosper?
The way of prosperity is very different for each of these gospels…
1. Prosperity Gospel
Prosperity preachers teach that if you want to prosper, you only have to tithe—and prosperity will come. Go ahead. Pick up a book written by a prosperity preacher. Most likely, you’ll discover that half of the book will be about tithing.
Don’t get me wrong. I believe in tithing. I tell people to tithe all the time. But I also believe that tithing isn’t enough to make you financially blessed.
2. Poverty Gospel
And then there’s the poverty gospel. They believe that you should just tithe, suffer in this valley of tears, and wait for Heaven to come.
3. Practical Gospel
I believe that if you want to succeed in your finances, you need to do two things: You need to tithe and take charge of your finances.
By taking charge, I mean living simply, wiping out your consumer debts, saving and investing, and developing an entrepreneurial thinking!
Both the prosperity and poverty preachers teach you in investing in Heaven only. I believe in investing both in heaven and on earth. I believe that you should give 10 percent as your heavenly investment, and 20 percent as your earthly investment.
Personal Sharing
I love to communicate visually. On stage, I act, I show props, and I tell stories with drama. And one of my favorite visual aids in my talk is my life. Because I believe that “who I am speaks so loudly, you won’t hear what I’m saying.”
My life is far from perfect. Believe me. But I struggle to live by this talk: I earn as much as I can, I save as much as I can, and I give as much as I can. For example? I avoid the prosperity gospel.
I decided not to receive a salary from the tithes of my community, Light of Jesus. Please know that the Bible says we should financially support our leaders. In fact, all our fulltime leaders receive allowances—and rightly so.
I’d love to give them more support for all the fantastic work that they do. But my position is very sensitive: I’m Founder and Presiding Elder. In recent years, there have been many scandals of religious leaders using tithes of their members to fund their mansions and private jets. And because of this, people are watching. That’s why I opted not to receive a salary.
I also did two other things: Being an author of 26 bestselling books, my author’s royalties are quite sizable. But I decided to donate that for ministry too. I’m also one of the highest paid corporate speakers in the country. I also chose to donate all my speakers’ fees back to the ministry.
Why? Being generous gives me so much joy. But because of these decisions, I’ve experienced that God cannot be outdone in generosity. By being extra generous, I believe God has prospered the work of my hands. I’ve tested the practical gospel. It works!
P.S. I don’t want you to remain trapped financially because of your fear and ignorance. Join me. The earlier you get in, the better. You can still catch up. Build your retirement fund. Build a solid financial future. Clink the link below:
Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012
Project Freedom (9): Trading with the Mutiple-Time-Frames Moving Distribution Charts
I had a tug of war in my mind for some time whether it is the right time to post this new concept of trading in the public domain which I'd developed. I tossed the coins and my subconscious mind replied: "Go Ahead and post it."
Above are few distribution charts that some financial analyists borrow from statisticians. Usually, it is shown as a monthly, quarterly or yearly chart to describe the market performance over the state periods in terms of it percentage changes. So, it is purely a statistic chart and has not much meaning for trading purposes. For example, as shown in the chart, that a stock "WXYZ" is out perform the market over the last period of time, but it does not show the momentum and trending direction it is continue to move.
The following chart with New indicators - The Moving Distribution Curves, show a NEW way to trade the market. Take for example, the following chart shows the XLE - Energy Sector ETF. It's short term Momentum, mid-term Swing and long-term Trend are benchmarked within the whole database (in this case, all ETFs except leveraged ETFs).
The Brownline show the Current Ticker Relative Strength, in this case is XLE, against all other ETFs in the database. The Blackline shows the Market Reference Relative Strength, in this case is SPY (S&P500). And, the Greyline shows the unchanged USD1 Cash Reference Relative Strength.
See... In Bull market, stocks go up and cash reference line move down. And, in Bear market, stocks go down and cash reference line move up.
Now, here is a better way to interpret the three color lines in the follow chart. It shows the same chart, and added the distribution chart on the indicators. View it as the ditribution charts are moving under the price chart over time, the Brownline shows the the ticker percentile in the database at the point of time. One would like to BUY the ticker with 1, Stronger than the market reference, and 2, above 80 percentile. Similar interpretation goes with the Blackline and Greyline.
See. Stocks/ETFs don't move randomly... if there is no special demand, it would not move above the 80 percentile. Similarly, if without special supply, it would not move below the 20% either.

Attached are just a few more daily chart with Moving Distribution Curve as examples: KOL, SLV, BRK-A, GLD and QQQ.
Attached are some Weekly Chart examples on: QQQ and BAL.
* All the Charts can be Zoom to fit in 24 inch monitor for clearer display.
* The distribution shape illustrated here is for explanation purposes only, as the stock distribution over time does not necessary fit into this kind of shapes and varies over time. And, some one had recommended me to see this article: http://hanwangquant.blogspot.sg/2011/09/
And, I found that it helps to explain this concept, and also can be easily implemented in the moving distribution curve.
* This is a new kind of Market Breadth Indicator can be applied on single stock or ETF.
* At any one time, there are tickers fill up the full range from 0 to 100. Choose to long or short according to th reference line position to have the edge.
* A much better way to "occupy the Wall Street" is to have the public to understand exactly how the game is played.
<Go to HOME>
Above are few distribution charts that some financial analyists borrow from statisticians. Usually, it is shown as a monthly, quarterly or yearly chart to describe the market performance over the state periods in terms of it percentage changes. So, it is purely a statistic chart and has not much meaning for trading purposes. For example, as shown in the chart, that a stock "WXYZ" is out perform the market over the last period of time, but it does not show the momentum and trending direction it is continue to move.
The following chart with New indicators - The Moving Distribution Curves, show a NEW way to trade the market. Take for example, the following chart shows the XLE - Energy Sector ETF. It's short term Momentum, mid-term Swing and long-term Trend are benchmarked within the whole database (in this case, all ETFs except leveraged ETFs).
The Brownline show the Current Ticker Relative Strength, in this case is XLE, against all other ETFs in the database. The Blackline shows the Market Reference Relative Strength, in this case is SPY (S&P500). And, the Greyline shows the unchanged USD1 Cash Reference Relative Strength.
See... In Bull market, stocks go up and cash reference line move down. And, in Bear market, stocks go down and cash reference line move up.
Now, here is a better way to interpret the three color lines in the follow chart. It shows the same chart, and added the distribution chart on the indicators. View it as the ditribution charts are moving under the price chart over time, the Brownline shows the the ticker percentile in the database at the point of time. One would like to BUY the ticker with 1, Stronger than the market reference, and 2, above 80 percentile. Similar interpretation goes with the Blackline and Greyline.
See. Stocks/ETFs don't move randomly... if there is no special demand, it would not move above the 80 percentile. Similarly, if without special supply, it would not move below the 20% either.

Attached are just a few more daily chart with Moving Distribution Curve as examples: KOL, SLV, BRK-A, GLD and QQQ.
Attached are some Weekly Chart examples on: QQQ and BAL.
* All the Charts can be Zoom to fit in 24 inch monitor for clearer display.
* The distribution shape illustrated here is for explanation purposes only, as the stock distribution over time does not necessary fit into this kind of shapes and varies over time. And, some one had recommended me to see this article: http://hanwangquant.blogspot.sg/2011/09/
And, I found that it helps to explain this concept, and also can be easily implemented in the moving distribution curve.
* This is a new kind of Market Breadth Indicator can be applied on single stock or ETF.
* At any one time, there are tickers fill up the full range from 0 to 100. Choose to long or short according to th reference line position to have the edge.
* A much better way to "occupy the Wall Street" is to have the public to understand exactly how the game is played.
"Man belongs wherever man wants to go.
He goes where his vision is!"
- Joseph Murphy
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Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012
You’re in the Right Place in the Right Time!
You’re in the Right Place in the Right Time!
TRC Stock Updates!
People ask me if I invest in the US Stock Market. Yes I do. To diversify, I invest 20 percent of my funds there. I use Charles Schwab as my online broker.
TRC Stock Updates!
Profit Loss |
People ask me if I invest in the US Stock Market. Yes I do. To diversify, I invest 20 percent of my funds there. I use Charles Schwab as my online broker.
They have an office in Hong Kong and you can open your account there. (To open an account, I believe you need a minimum of $25,000. I’m not sure if they lowered this minimum since I opened my account.)
But honestly, I earn so much more in the Philippine Stock Market than in the US Stock Market.
Why? Because the entire world is not doing well financially. The US is still failing economically. Europe is even worse. Even China has been down for the past two years.
There are only three countries now that are the economic darlings of the world: Philippines, Indonesia, and Thailand. (Yes, we’re not used to this kind of good news. Because in the past, we always appear at the “worst” lists! Worst airport, worst traffic, worst corruption, etc…)
According to a study released by Knight Frank and Citi Private Bank, the Philippines are expected to be one of the FASTEST GROWING ECONOMIES from 2010 until 2050.
Can you believe that?
Read this carefully: In a separate report made by HSBC, the Philippines could become the 16th largest economy by 2050.
What can prevent this from happening? Politics. So barring extremely, exceedingly insane and selfish politics, the Philippines will become an economic powerhouse.
This is another reason why you need to invest in the Philippine Stock Market, consistently, every month, for the next 30 years. Because you’ll ride this rocket ship all the way to the moon.
So don’t mind the small corrections, small dips, small losses here and there. We’re here for the long-term! Keep your vision straight. Don’t get distracted. Stay steady. Like clockwork, invest, invest, and invest every month.
YOU will rise with the Philippines.
Happy investing!
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez
P.S. I don’t want you to remain trapped financially because of your fear and ignorance. Join me. The earlier you get in, the better. You can still catch up. Build your retirement fund. Build a solid financial future. Clink the link below:
Here are our SAM Tables as of closing October 15, 2012
Stock | Current | Buy Below Price | Target Price | Action to take |
AP | 33.40 | 33.21 | 38.19 | Stop Buying For Now |
BPI | 78.55 | 79.13 | 91.00 | Continue Buying |
FPH | 80.00 | 102.43 | 117.8 | Continue Buying |
JGS | 34.00 | 34.78 | 40.00 | Continue Buying |
MBT | 91.80 | 104.35 | 120.00 | Continue Buying |
MEG | 2.38 | 2.50 | 2.87 | Continue Buying |
SMPH | 14.26 | 14.78 | 17.00 | Continue Buying |
Telephone Interview Invitation
"We are pleased to inform you that we have reviewed your application and numerical test results and would like to invite you to a telephone interview"
After a month of gruelling wait, I finally received a phone interview invitation from an international bank. The position that I applied for is a Graduate Program at the Corporate and Investment Banking department. I shall not reveal the bank's name to avoid unnecessary attention and any possible repercussion.
Just to sidetrack for a moment, my previous post 'Wedding Cost in Singapore' had stirred much attention at TR EMERITUS aka 'Temasek Review' and I was rather amused to see such critical and judgmental comments about my post. However, there were some sincere comments that were really helpful and I truly appreciate it. I was simply trying to come up with a rough estimate of my wedding cost and it generated more than 50 fiery naysay comments in Temasek Review. To my delight, it generated more than 3500 page views on that day which translated into $3.21 of Google Adsense earnings. Contrary to what many other bloggers claimed, my Nuffnang ads did not generate as much earnings for me.
Back to the main topic, an interviewer from UK will be calling me to conduct the phone interview. If I were the bank, I would have saved some cost by appointing the HR from Singapore to conduct the phone interview instead. Assuming a phone interview takes 20 minutes and there are 100 phone interviews to be conducted, a total of 2000 minutes of costly international calls would be made. An alternative is a 'skype' interview, which is less costly and more effective as you can examine the expression and body language of the interviewee. Anyway, this is just my opinion and there might be other reasons for them to conduct the phone interview in this manner.
From what I have been told, there are a few rounds of interview in the selection process. If I meet their requirements for the phone interview, I will be invited to their office for a group interview before finally meeting the HR/Manager for a face to face interview.
The phone interview is scheduled on this coming Wednesday. In the meantime, I will read up about the bank and prepare for the interview as much as I can. I shall update the outcome of my interview by the end of next week.
Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012
Consequences Of Giving Up Your HDB BTO Flat
I had a long conversation with my sister regarding HDB BTO flats today. To my surprise, she revealed to me that she is intending to apply for a flat at either Queenstown or Toa Payoh in the upcoming November 2012 HDB Build-To-Order exercise with her boyfriend of 7 months. In my opinion, 7 months of relationship is far from stable and absolutely not enough to determine if her current boyfriend is 'the one' for her. Furthermore, she is only 21 this year and there is no need to rush into things, especially when stakes are high.
Several thoughts ran through my mind immediately:
What if they managed to get the flat but break up afterwards?
What are the penalties for giving up a HDB BTO flat halfway?
Will the downpayment and grant be forfeited?
Do they have to pay back the Additional Housing Grant in cash?
Will the first timer privilege be affected?
I kept these thoughts to myself in order not to dash her hopes. As an elder brother, I am naturally protective of my sister and hope that every choice she makes is the perfect one. This led to a two hour research on the penalties and forfeitures for giving up a HDB BTO flat.
Here are my findings regarding the consequences of giving up your BTO flat in the event of a break up:
Giving up your BTO flat after the online application
At this stage of the application, monetary stakes are still low and the only thing you forfeit is the administrative fee of $10 should you decide to give up. However, do note that if your queue number is within range (queue number less than the number of units offered), or in the case where you are invited to select a flat even if your queue number is out of range(due to applicants before you giving up their chances), HDB considers a cancellation as a rejection to select unit. Also, you will lose your first timer priority after two rejections.*
So if you have previously rejected a chance to select your flat, stakes are higher as this means you will be stripped of your first timer privilege for a year if you reject the chance to select a flat for the second time. In addition, any additional chances accumulated from the previous unsuccessful applications will be set to zero if you reject to select a flat.
*From HDB Website : "To manage the growing trend of repeated non-selection of flat by First-timers, First-Timer applicants who reject 2 chances to select a flat will have their First-Timer priorities removed for a period of one year. If they apply for a flat in any HDB sales exercise within that one-year period, they would no longer enjoy the above priorities for First-Timers."
Giving up your BTO flat after unit selection but before signing Sales Agreement for Lease
By this stage, you would have already paid the option fee and selected your desired unit. Stakes are higher now. By giving up your BTO flat after booking a unit, the option fee* that you paid during flat selection day will be forfeited. Also, according to a new HDB regulation, buyers who cancel their bookings after putting down an option fee will now be barred from buying BTO (Build-to-Order) and resale flats with housing grants for a period of one year.
*Option fee for 4/5 room : $2000
Option fee for 3 room : $1500
Option fee for 2 room : $500
Option fee for studio apartment : $250
Giving up your BTO flat after signing Sales Agreement for Lease
Now, things are turning ugly and stakes are getting higher. By now, you would have already paid the stamp fees and downpayment through your CPF/Cash/Additional Housing Grant (AHG).
5% of the flat purchase price and expended legal and stamp fees will be forfeited should you give up your BTO flat at this stage.
So if you are eligible for the Staggered Downpayment Scheme and paid 5% of the purchase price as downpayment, nothing will be refunded. If you paid 10% of the purchase price as downpayment, half of it (5% of purchase price) and the expended stamp and legal fees will be forfeited.
Also, if you were granted the Additional Housing Grant, you have to pay back the disbursed grant with interest in cash
Similarly, you will be barred from buying BTO (Build-to-Order) and resale flats with housing grants for a period of one year.
In conclusion, be sure that your partner is 'the one' for you before applying a HDB flat with him/her. Stakes are high and giving up your HDB flat halfway can have a huge impact on your finances. I guess I will have to talk to my sister about this someday.
Several thoughts ran through my mind immediately:
What if they managed to get the flat but break up afterwards?
What are the penalties for giving up a HDB BTO flat halfway?
Will the downpayment and grant be forfeited?
Do they have to pay back the Additional Housing Grant in cash?
Will the first timer privilege be affected?
I kept these thoughts to myself in order not to dash her hopes. As an elder brother, I am naturally protective of my sister and hope that every choice she makes is the perfect one. This led to a two hour research on the penalties and forfeitures for giving up a HDB BTO flat.
Here are my findings regarding the consequences of giving up your BTO flat in the event of a break up:
Giving up your BTO flat after the online application
At this stage of the application, monetary stakes are still low and the only thing you forfeit is the administrative fee of $10 should you decide to give up. However, do note that if your queue number is within range (queue number less than the number of units offered), or in the case where you are invited to select a flat even if your queue number is out of range(due to applicants before you giving up their chances), HDB considers a cancellation as a rejection to select unit. Also, you will lose your first timer priority after two rejections.*
So if you have previously rejected a chance to select your flat, stakes are higher as this means you will be stripped of your first timer privilege for a year if you reject the chance to select a flat for the second time. In addition, any additional chances accumulated from the previous unsuccessful applications will be set to zero if you reject to select a flat.
*From HDB Website : "To manage the growing trend of repeated non-selection of flat by First-timers, First-Timer applicants who reject 2 chances to select a flat will have their First-Timer priorities removed for a period of one year. If they apply for a flat in any HDB sales exercise within that one-year period, they would no longer enjoy the above priorities for First-Timers."
Giving up your BTO flat after unit selection but before signing Sales Agreement for Lease
By this stage, you would have already paid the option fee and selected your desired unit. Stakes are higher now. By giving up your BTO flat after booking a unit, the option fee* that you paid during flat selection day will be forfeited. Also, according to a new HDB regulation, buyers who cancel their bookings after putting down an option fee will now be barred from buying BTO (Build-to-Order) and resale flats with housing grants for a period of one year.
*Option fee for 4/5 room : $2000
Option fee for 3 room : $1500
Option fee for 2 room : $500
Option fee for studio apartment : $250
Giving up your BTO flat after signing Sales Agreement for Lease
Now, things are turning ugly and stakes are getting higher. By now, you would have already paid the stamp fees and downpayment through your CPF/Cash/Additional Housing Grant (AHG).
5% of the flat purchase price and expended legal and stamp fees will be forfeited should you give up your BTO flat at this stage.
So if you are eligible for the Staggered Downpayment Scheme and paid 5% of the purchase price as downpayment, nothing will be refunded. If you paid 10% of the purchase price as downpayment, half of it (5% of purchase price) and the expended stamp and legal fees will be forfeited.
Also, if you were granted the Additional Housing Grant, you have to pay back the disbursed grant with interest in cash
Similarly, you will be barred from buying BTO (Build-to-Order) and resale flats with housing grants for a period of one year.
In conclusion, be sure that your partner is 'the one' for you before applying a HDB flat with him/her. Stakes are high and giving up your HDB flat halfway can have a huge impact on your finances. I guess I will have to talk to my sister about this someday.
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