Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

When Buying the Expensive Version Can Save You Money

Usually buying the expensive version of a product or service would seem counterintuitive to saving money. In fact, being frugal doesn't seem to have any link whatsoever with indulging on expensive things. Let me explain why there is a connection and why it's not as tenuous as you may think. No, I'm not leading you down the path to selling your house and moving all your stuff into StorageMart. What you're about to hear are actual ways in which buying the expensive version of something can save you money:

Buy a fuel-efficient electric or hybrid vehicle: While the upfront cost of a hybrid is comparable or a bit more than a new gasoline powered car, the money you save on fuel and emissions updates will even out the costs. Depending on the year and model of the hybrid you buy, you many even wind up saving more money in the long haul. Also, you'll be helping the human race save money on cleaning up the environment.

Buy high-quality coffee beans: Stopping by your favorite coffee shop every morning can easily lead to a monthly tab of $100 - and that's assuming you don't also need a caffeinated pick-me-up throughout the day. By buying high quality coffee beans, which run about $15 a pound, you will be able to reduce your monthly coffee bill to about $30 by bringing your own coffee from home. Another reason to buy high-quality beans is that they will keep you riding a more potent, smooth wave of caffeine exuberance, making you need less coffee throughout the day. So invest some of your scratch into top-notch fair trade beans and save yourself money.

Buy appropriate car insurance: Sometimes opting for the more inexpensive option can not only be risky, but downright financially life threatening, and buying car insurance is one of those instances. Getting inferior coverage in order to save $10 a month is not a smart move. If the worst case scenario happens, in which you and the other drivers' cars are totaled and people are injured, you're going to wish you had full coverage on injury and collision for all parties. It could be the difference between a few hundred dollars on a deductible vs. tens or even hundreds of thousands on repairs and surgery costs.

These are just a few of the instances in which buying the expensive version of something can save you money in the long run. Spending more upfront on a product or service is not always prudent, but in some cases it's the right move.

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