Net worth for September decreased by $449.52. This is mainly due to the fall in NAV of the commodity fund. Physical cash increased as a result of prudent saving and side income such as paid surveys. Net worth for next month should increase by at least $3000 after the bursary money is credited. Also, stocks will be included under assets in October due to the purchase of 2 lots of STI ETF.
Jumat, 30 September 2011
2 lots of STI ETF @ $2.72
Bought 2 lots of STI ETF at $2.72 today.
Rationale behind purchase:
1) Just got awarded bursary valued at $3000
2) Dropped 20% from its $3.39 high(in line with strategy*)
3) VIX is at 42.96 today (>40)
4) Dividend yield(ttm) is near to 3%.
5) STI is in a downtrend and stocks are generally undervalued
6) A bet on Europe's recovery
7) Time horizon of at least 5 years
8) Still have more than $10,000 in cash after purchase. Able to buy more when prices plunge further.
*My strategy for STI ETF is to start buying when price drops 20%. Subsequently, I will buy one lot of STI ETF for every 15% it drops. Next target price will thus be $2.31(0.85 x $2.72)
Rationale behind purchase:
1) Just got awarded bursary valued at $3000
2) Dropped 20% from its $3.39 high(in line with strategy*)
3) VIX is at 42.96 today (>40)
4) Dividend yield(ttm) is near to 3%.
5) STI is in a downtrend and stocks are generally undervalued
6) A bet on Europe's recovery
7) Time horizon of at least 5 years
8) Still have more than $10,000 in cash after purchase. Able to buy more when prices plunge further.
*My strategy for STI ETF is to start buying when price drops 20%. Subsequently, I will buy one lot of STI ETF for every 15% it drops. Next target price will thus be $2.31(0.85 x $2.72)
Personal Finance (6) - In Devastation, There Is Opportunity.
Attached are two video clips on "Traders' Mentality" and a news article describe how the Wall Street is functioning and would surely affect your bank account sooner or later.
Of course, these traders do not create the devastation, they just grasp the opportunity and add more trouble to it.
But do you think that some would actually go to the extend to CREATE this kind of Opportunity? You bet! And, it is getting more and often.
3) Mathematicians and their trading programs are increasingly taking the place of professional investors in financial centres across the world! (<- click the link for full article)
So, when the next financial crisis come, probably the Wall Street can blame it on the computer system rather than any human being...
Of course, some people choose an alternative way...
Such as PROTESTING - "Occupy the Wall Street" is an example.
Surely, this movement would definitely help to raise awareness of the public in understand how corrupted the current financial market is and bring across the message to the authority - "Enough Is Enough!" Or, it may even eventually able to force the system to sacrifice a few scapegoats. But, not likely to change how the system works, for money and authority have been working hand in hand for centuries.
Therefore, instead of hoping everything is fine, it is good to learn about it as early as possible and take the advantage of the existing system. For I do not see any ethical conflict as an individual to protect himself from being hurt.
Let me explain...
As you must have heard of this kind of message every time when you are taking a plane... "If there is a turbulence and have difficulty to breath, the oxygen mask will automatically drop in front of you. Make Sure that you Put On Your Own Mask FIRST before you taking care of..."
So, the same and simple logic go with the case when there is a devastation happening in the system. For:
1) If those people do not protect themselves, they would also be in trouble and totally forget about the possibility to help others.
2) If you do not take the advantage, the creator of the events will take all of it anyway.
And, it is my simple thinking that... if most public know how to take this kind of advantage all together, then there will be No Incentive for the manipulators to continue in creating these troubles.
1) The first one is a clip from the Documentary -"The Corporation." It shows how a typical trader think - Emotionless is the key.
"Traders' Mentality"
2) The second one is a clip from a recent interview in BBC News.
This guy is really telling the Truth of the Truth, proudly and confidently, on what happening in the market .
Key Messages:
i > The ONLY OBJECTIVE is Making Money.
ii> Money Rule the World, not Your Government.
Of course, these traders do not create the devastation, they just grasp the opportunity and add more trouble to it.
But do you think that some would actually go to the extend to CREATE this kind of Opportunity? You bet! And, it is getting more and often.
3) Mathematicians and their trading programs are increasingly taking the place of professional investors in financial centres across the world! (<- click the link for full article)

In my opinion, there are two ways to avoid "Risks".
One is to totally avoid it. Such as for those who cannot swim, they can avoid the pool, etc.
Another is to learn and master it.
Since the financial matter affect everyone in this "Civilized World ?!?!?", and we are in it... Avoiding is not an option.
Of course, some people choose an alternative way...
Such as PROTESTING - "Occupy the Wall Street" is an example.
Surely, this movement would definitely help to raise awareness of the public in understand how corrupted the current financial market is and bring across the message to the authority - "Enough Is Enough!" Or, it may even eventually able to force the system to sacrifice a few scapegoats. But, not likely to change how the system works, for money and authority have been working hand in hand for centuries.
Therefore, instead of hoping everything is fine, it is good to learn about it as early as possible and take the advantage of the existing system. For I do not see any ethical conflict as an individual to protect himself from being hurt.
Let me explain...
As you must have heard of this kind of message every time when you are taking a plane... "If there is a turbulence and have difficulty to breath, the oxygen mask will automatically drop in front of you. Make Sure that you Put On Your Own Mask FIRST before you taking care of..."
So, the same and simple logic go with the case when there is a devastation happening in the system. For:
1) If those people do not protect themselves, they would also be in trouble and totally forget about the possibility to help others.
2) If you do not take the advantage, the creator of the events will take all of it anyway.
And, it is my simple thinking that... if most public know how to take this kind of advantage all together, then there will be No Incentive for the manipulators to continue in creating these troubles.
"A Trap is Not a Trap if you know it, it is an Opportunity."
- unknown trader
.click on the chart to zoom in.
Bless you
KH Tang
Wealth Resonance Pte Ltd
- unknown trader
Current Market States:(Countries ETF)
For those who had done their research, these monthly and weekly chart are self-explanatory.
For those who had done their research, these monthly and weekly chart are self-explanatory.

Bless you
KH Tang
Wealth Resonance Pte Ltd
Pesos and Sense Video Episode 2
Pesos and Sense Video Episode 2
Pesos and Sense |
On the other segment of Pesos and Sense, staff explained how the peso cost averaging method is best method you can use to grow our money in stock market. For more detail you can watch the Pesos and Sense Videos below.
Pesos and Sense Video Part 1
Pesos and Sense Video Part 2
Pesos and Sense Video Part 3
Pesos and Sense Video Part 4
Happy viewing!!! I hope it can help a lot.
Rabu, 28 September 2011
Awarded Bursary
My school notified me today that I will be awarded a bursary valued at $3,000. So far, the total value of the bursaries I received is about $9000 and I did not spend a single cent of it. The bursary presentation ceremony will be held next month and they will be presenting me a cheque. There will be a huge jump in my net worth in October due to this bursary. Estimated net worth by year end should be at least $40,000.
I will also be applying for another bursary valued at $2900. However, I have to declare that I am in receipt of this $3k bursary and my application will be considered on a case by case basis. Therefore, I will have to apply with an appeal letter to unveil my family's dire financial situation. In the best case scenario, my net worth will hit $50k by mid of 2012.
Highest Inflation rate recorded in history
Highest Inflation rate recorded in history
It’s like having to buying a piece of bread at a Php. 1.00 cost yesterday, and then suddenly having to buy the same bread at Php. 231million cost today. Unbelievable, isn’t it.
Last night, when I was searching and reading some article post about inflation rate. It came to my attention the inflation rate increase happened in Zimbabwe last 2008. As I continue reading, Zimbabwe is the one who holds the highest inflation rate increase in the history of mankind.
And how much that is? If here in the Philippines, we have an inflation rate of 9.3% last 2008 and an average inflation rate of 6% in the past 10 years, Zimbabwe’s highest recorded inflation rate was a whopping 231 million percent. Can you imagine that?
And how much that is? If here in the Philippines, we have an inflation rate of 9.3% last 2008 and an average inflation rate of 6% in the past 10 years, Zimbabwe’s highest recorded inflation rate was a whopping 231 million percent. Can you imagine that?
It’s like having to buying a piece of bread at a Php. 1.00 cost yesterday, and then suddenly having to buy the same bread at Php. 231million cost today. Unbelievable, isn’t it.
Here are some related stories to read.
Selasa, 27 September 2011
What Is the Best Insurance?
What Is the Best Insurance?
Truly Rich Club |
The purpose of insurance is simple:
If God calls you home today, your kids won’t go hungry. Many people misunderstand this simple logic. I know some people who buy insurance for their kids. I heard one person bought insurance for his baby. Huh? I don’t get it. Who’s the kid supporting? Her Barbie doll? Her kitten? Or some single people buy huge amounts of insurance— even if they have no kids or no aging parents to support.
Sure, they can buy a little insurance to take care of their funeral expenses, so they don’t become a burden to their siblings. But they don’t really need big insurance.
I repeat: Buy insurance if you’ve got people depending on your income. So that if your income suddenly disappears because you disappear, the insurance money will support them. But some insurance agents will try to sell you stuff you don’t need, just to earn their commission.
What’s the Goal?
But our goal in the TrulyRichClub is very simple: To build your wealth over time so that you don’t need insurance anymore. In other words, the goal is to be self-insured. But that doesn’t happen overnight. Building millions in your investments will take many years. So while your millions aren’t there yet, buy insurance.
What kind of insurance?
Buy Term Insurance. For TrulyRichClub members who are learning how to invest, you should buy pure and term insurance. It’s the cheapest insurance. Any other insurance product is a bundled product combining insurance and investment. It sounds nice. They even come by nice names: Whole Life insurance, Universal Life insurance, etc. Compared to pure and term insurance, these are very expensive insurance products—precisely because they have an investment component.
These bundled products are Okay if you don’t know how to invest. And the truth is that many people really don’t know how to invest. And many people are so undisciplined, they need an insurance agent following them up every month to give their monthly payments, with the threat of “forfeiting” or losing their entire insurance if they don’t pay. But if you’re a TrulyRichClub member, you shouldn’t buy these bundled insurance products. Why? First of all, you already know how to invest (in equity funds and in the stock market). Second, you’ve got the discipline to do it each month. No need for “threats” hanging over your head.
Here’s the shocking truth: Most of these bundled insurance products with investments only earn between four percent to seven percent each year. Yes, that’s better than the bank. But that’s much lower than what you’ll earn if you invested your money yourself in equity funds and the stock market, where you can earn between 12 percent to 20 percent each year—if you invest long-term, over 20 years or more.
That difference is huge over time. So buy term insurance. “Buy Term, Invest the Difference!” So instead of buying bundled investment product which is expensive, buy term insurance—which is cheap—and invest the difference yourself.
That’s where the wise statement come from, “Buy term, invest the difference!” Warning: Some insurance agents will not like you to buy term insurance. Because their commission is tiny if they sell this product. They will always push for bundled insurance products. So ask for it. Tell him, “I like to buy term insurance only.” If you don’t know of insurance agents, you can ask my team of TrulyRichClub Financial Coaches: Email Fely Santiago at or Lyndon Malanog at Aside from helping you get term insurance, they can also help you with your other basic financial needs—such as “longterm” health insurance (we’ll talk about this in the next issues) and equity fund investments. Below is a bonus article from Lyndon Malanog on insurance.
Happy learning!
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez
P.S. As you can see, TrulyRichClub members have an incredible edge over 99 percent of the population: You don’t end up buying the wrong products and waste your money.
One Million Insurance Is P30 to P50 a Day Only
By Lyndon Malanog, Financial Coach of TrulyRichClub
When you’re still building your wealth, you need pure and term insurance. To most of us, our present investment portfolio cannot even sustain the needs of our family for the next 3-5 years if the bread winner dies to soon. We need insurance to replace our income for our family’s sake.
And it’s for our peace of mind. This will only cost you P30 to P50 pesos a day. Skip on merienda and you can now afford a P1 million insurance coverage to replace your income in the event of an untimely death. Remember that insurance is not for us to enjoy but it’s our gift of love for our family.
4 Reasons for Buying Term Insurance
First Reason: It’s much cheaper than bundled insurance because you are only paying for one component which is the dying part of it both for natural and accidental cases. This type of insurance has no savings that’s why it has no “money back” component.
Second Reason: For your savings, you should be the one to oversee it in order to harness its full potential. You have to invest quality time to learn and participate in the different investment instruments.
In so doing you can take more risk and grow your investment portfolio substantially instead of receiving the guaranteed 4%-7% PA from the insurance company if you get a bundled insurance or the insurance with savings.
Third Reason: Why term insurance only? We only need insurance today because we are still on the process of accumulating our millions. I would suggest a 20-year term insurance and at the same time continuously invest on the other investment vehicles for value and capital appreciation.
After 20 years of diligently and consistently investing, your investment portfolio will now be in millions and insurance coverage is no longer a must anymore.
Fourth Reason: If your investment portfolio is now in the tune of multi-millions, but you still want to add more value to your portfolio, then secure another 20-year term pure insurance. The insurance money is so liquid and is free from taxes and can be used to pay off your estate tax within 90 days from your death to avoid any surcharges.
This is now a part of your estate preservation and transfer plans. Insurance money can serve to replace the bread winner’s income or to pay off his estate to facilitate transfer of estate to the beneficiaries. So that they will continue the wealth building process from where you stopped.
Senin, 26 September 2011
The Importance of Your Credit Report

If a person attempts to get a credit card or a loan, the company will make its acceptance decision of the application based on the personal credit report. If the report is shown in a good light and displays that you have been worthy with your credit history in the past, your loan or credit card will be seen as low risk and probably approved. If there have been late payments or if there is default in repayments of loan installments, this will affect your chances to obtaining the loan. Many Americans suffer from making bad on their loans, showing a pattern of defaults. This is the worst thing that can happen to your credit rating. If at all possible make sure that you contact all the companies if you are having trouble and work a solution with them.
Many times we end up having multiple accounts with many different companies. We might fall behind on a couple of payments and feel like there is no hope in catching up. This is the most crucial moment in your credit life. Don’t fall prey to letting it all go. You must stay on top of these payments and keep up.
Credit reports contain detailed personal information about a client. This includes your housing record, place where you work, income level, and other financial information. This information gives the creditor insight about how you pay your bills, how you have been able to pay your credit in the past, and whether you have had financial troubles. Having troubles in the past will not be an automatic disqualifier. If you can show that you are now back on track and have your accounts in order you will still in good shape.
If for some reason you are denied a personal loan or a credit card, you have the right to obtain a copy of the credit report the company used to determine of you get the loan or card. There are federal guidelines that the companies have to follow and gives you recourse if you believe the findings are wrong or false. The report will tell you all of the information on your account, the positive and the negative. This is why it is important to obtain a copy of the report BEFORE you attempt to get a loan.
Having your credit history in order is always a good idea not just when you are trying to get a loan, but for your general credit worthiness. Credit will always be a part of your life, it is always in your best interest to have a positive report.
Jumat, 23 September 2011
How to enroll in MetroBank Direct Online Banking?
How to enroll in MetroBank Direct Online Banking?
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Metrobank Direct |
Online banking is a great tool to manage your bank account properly wherever you are at any time as long as you have internet connection. It is a must-have for all account holders who want to monitor and control the in and out of their money. Almost all banks have online banking facility for its customers especially those big banks in the Philippines like Metrobank, BDO, BPI and other large commercial banks.
Metrobank Direct Online Banking
If you have a bank account at Metrobank, you can enroll it to its online banking services. Even wherever you are and at any time you want, you can use its Internet banking facility to manage your account or make any transactions such as paying bills online, fund transfer, or checking of your account balance.
It is easier and more convenient now to make any banking transactions than before because of the advancement in Internet technology and banking services.
Features of Metrobank Direct
Metrobank Direct gives you the comfort of anywhere and anytime banking through the help of Internet. There are plenty of uses and benefits you can get if you have an online banking account.
Below are the lists of privileges you can get from using their internet banking facility.
1. Send Money for Free
No need to visit your MetroBank branch just to transfer money to you other accounts or to other people. You can do it online by using your Internet banking account. It is easy to make fund transfer to other Metrobank accounts and bank account of Bancnet members.
2. Pay Bills Online
It is very convenient to pay bill online using Metrobank Direct online banking and it’s free. You can pay your electricity, water utility, telephone, or insurance bills without going to the bank or payment centers.
After logging in, you can see the Pay Bills section where there are list of billers you can transact with. If you have a FAMI Mutual Fund account, you can add funds to it by bills payment to SALEF, SALBF, SALFIF or SALMMF.
3. Secure Online Transactions
Security is very important when using Internet banking because it involves money and personal information you don’t want other people to know. Moreover, there is plenty of hacking and identity theft or fraud circulating in the Internet.
You don’t need to worry about security because each transaction you do is closely monitored by Metrobank. The site is highly secured with VeriSign security. You are the only one that knows your log in and password. In addition, every time you log in and log out you can see it in your transaction history so you know that you are the only one accessing your account.
4. View and Check Account Summary
It is easy to check and view your account summary by logging in to your account at anytime you want as long as you have Internet access. You don’t need to come to an ATM or visit your bank branch just inquire for your account balance or transaction you’ve made. You may inquire and view interest rates on your savings, checking and time deposits account.
5. Receive Paperless Bank Statement
If you want immediately your Metrobank’s statement of account, you can download it instantly through your Internet banking account. You can also see quickly the history of your transaction once you have a paperless statement.
6. Add Funds to your Mutual Fund, Stock Account or UITF
Once you have an online banking account, you can use it to add more funds to your mutual fund account, stocks or UITF account and it is very convenient to do. No need to come to the bank to deposit more funds, you can do it at your own home or office.
You may settle stock trading transactions with First Metro Securities Brokerage Corporation (FMSB) or add funds to your FAMI and CitisecOnline account.
7. You can also inquire and see the foreign exchange rates and open a new account if you want.
If you have problems with your account or you have any inquiries, you can send an email to Metrobank Customer service and they will respond.
How to Enroll in Metrobank Direct Online Banking?
If you are an existing depositors of Metrobank and you have the following accounts: Metrobank E.T., Passbook, OFW and Pensioners account, Fun Savers Club, Account One, Current account regular, MetroChecking Extra, Time deposit account, MetroDollar savings account, Fun Savers club and Metrodollar time deposit, you can apply by the simple steps below.
1. Visit your MetroBank branch and fill up the metro bank direct enrollment form completely.
2. After you finished filling up the form, you will be given a password mailer containing the password you must use on your first login to Metrobank Direct.
3. After 3 days, (In my case, almost 3 weeks) you will receive an email from Metrobank containing your assigned Customer ID.
4. Go to, and click on the “Personal” login located inside the Internet Banking box found at the upper right corner of Metrobank Homepage, and you will be led to the metrobank direct log in page.
5. Log in to Metrobank Direct using your customer ID and initial password. You may change your password after your first successful log in.
If you still don’t have any Metrobank account mentioned above, just visit any Metrobank branch near your place and apply for opening a bank account and then enroll it to Metrobank direct at the same time.
If you are currently staying overseas and you have a Metrobank account branch in the Philippines, you may still apply for Metrobank direct by visiting any of Metrobank’s foreign branches in your location.
Kamis, 22 September 2011
Requirements for Opening a Bank Savings Account
Requirements for Opening a Bank Savings Account
With online banking, you can pay your bills such as Electric bills, phone bills, water bills, credit card bill and many more with a click of your mouse anywhere, anytime as long as you have an internet connection. There are really many benefits of having a savings account, that’s why it is recommended to apply for one.
In order to open a savings account, visit the bank of your choice and bring the following requirements for opening a savings account. I suggest opening a savings account in a well established bank like BPI, BDO, Metrobank, PSBank, RCBC, DBP, PNB, Land Bank, Security Bank and ChinaBank. Below I make a list of some common requirement needed for opening bank account.
Requirements for opening a savings account:
- Two (2) valid and recent IDs with your name and photo
- Passport
Government office ID (e.g. Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF) IDs), Certification from the National Council for the Welfare of Disabled Persons (NCWDP), Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Certification
Other valid IDs issued by the Government
Original billing statement and 2 photocopies of it in order to verify your address. Billing statement can be Electric bill, Telephone bill, Water bill, Credit Card bill, Cellphone bill etc.
Two (2) 1×1 latest ID picture
Many of us, wanting to save more money from monthly salary. But instead of keeping our money inside our home. It is more convinient to put our saving in a bank and take the advantages of the interest per year given by a bank since these save money will not be use from our daily expenses.
To put our save money to a bank just simply open an account to a bank you've choice.
Savings account is a helpful tool to save money regularly. It offers many benefits and services you may need for budgeting and financial planning. A savings account enrolled at online banking can be a powerful instrument to monitor your expenses and saving.
To put our save money to a bank just simply open an account to a bank you've choice.
Savings account is a helpful tool to save money regularly. It offers many benefits and services you may need for budgeting and financial planning. A savings account enrolled at online banking can be a powerful instrument to monitor your expenses and saving.
With online banking, you can pay your bills such as Electric bills, phone bills, water bills, credit card bill and many more with a click of your mouse anywhere, anytime as long as you have an internet connection. There are really many benefits of having a savings account, that’s why it is recommended to apply for one.
In order to open a savings account, visit the bank of your choice and bring the following requirements for opening a savings account. I suggest opening a savings account in a well established bank like BPI, BDO, Metrobank, PSBank, RCBC, DBP, PNB, Land Bank, Security Bank and ChinaBank. Below I make a list of some common requirement needed for opening bank account.
Requirements for opening a savings account:
- Two (2) valid and recent IDs with your name and photo
- One (1) Photocopy of ID that you will present
ID's acceptable for opening a savings account can be:
- Passport
- Driver’s license
- Professional Regulations Commission (PRC) ID
- National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) clearance
- Police clearance
- Postal ID
- Voter’s ID
- Barangay certification
- Government Service and Insurance System (GSIS) e-Card
- Social Security System (SSS) card
- Philhealth card
- Senior Citizen Card
- Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) ID
- Seaman’s Book
- Alien Certification of Registration/Immigrant Certificate of Registration
Government office ID (e.g. Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF) IDs), Certification from the National Council for the Welfare of Disabled Persons (NCWDP), Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Certification
Other valid IDs issued by the Government
Original billing statement and 2 photocopies of it in order to verify your address. Billing statement can be Electric bill, Telephone bill, Water bill, Credit Card bill, Cellphone bill etc.
Two (2) 1×1 latest ID picture
Initial Deposit for Opening Account normally range from P500-10,000 depending on what bank
Ball pen for filling up application forms
Can an Instant Bad Credit Loan be the Ideal Solution for Your Short Term Fiscal Need

Instant bad credit loans are easily available. Once you qualify after applying, the amount is deposited to your bank account. The lenders of instant loans do not seek a credit check or a collateral. This way you can withdraw the money with much ease and relieve your financial needs without affecting your credit history.
However, make sure that you shop around properly for the lenders who offer such kind of loans. Analyze the exact reason for which you require the loan. If you are seeking it for purchasing things like a car, you must establish a good credit record first. You can also look for these short term loans to finance your wedding, parties or even paying off your debts.
While you think of applying for an instant credit loan, few things should be kept in mind.
- In case you have changed your place or got separated from your spouse, the lenders might ask for more details than the usual.
- Taking professional help is advisable because this will provide you with the information of the best possible loans for you.
- Find out a loan with a lower interest rate. Remember that the rate of interest depends on the amount of loan you apply for.
- Assess properly whether you are able to pay off the loan amount without defaulting on it.
Rabu, 21 September 2011
Pesos and Sense Video Episode 1
Pesos and Sense Video Episode 1
Pesos and Sense |
Pesos and Sense Video Part 1
Pesos and Sense Video Part 2
Click Here to get the copy of free e-bboks "My Made Invest in the Stock Market, And Why you should too!" by Bo Sanchez
Pesos and Sense Video Part 3
Pesos and Sense Video Part 4
Happy Viewing!!!
Peso and Sense Video Episode 1
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Some Wise People Teach Our Investment Philosophy Too! (We’re Not Alone.)
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Some Wise People Teach Our Investment Philosophy Too! (We’re Not Alone.)
Minggu, 18 September 2011
Some Wise People Teach Our Investment Philosophy Too! (We’re Not Alone.)
Some Wise People Teach Our Investment Philosophy Too! (We’re Not Alone.)
I read a great article by Steve Christ, a 25-year veteran in stock market investments. He teaches the same principles we teach here at TrulyRichClub. Let me share some of the principles we hold in common.
1. Ignore the News
Warren Buffet doesn’t bother watching CNBN (a business news channel). Can you imagine that? Warren Buffet is the richest stock investor in the world. He’d rather stick to what he studies about the specific companies he invests in. If he believes that the company is extra strong and super stable, he’ll invest in it no matter how bad the economy is. Because long term, he’ll always win.
2. Diversify Your Investments
If we’re gamblers, we’ll put all our money in one hot stock. That way, we earn more. But putting a big bet on one stock is dangerous. What if it doesn’t play out? Then we lose. Being greedy doesn’t work.
Thus, we invest in five to six companies. If one or two companies don’t grow, we can live with that. Because the growth of the other three to four companies will make up for our loss.
Thus, we invest in five to six companies. If one or two companies don’t grow, we can live with that. Because the growth of the other three to four companies will make up for our loss.
3. Invest in Dividend-Paying Stocks
Remember that there are two ways to earn money in the stock market: capital and dividend. Capital is when the price of the stock goes up. That’s what we’re familiar with. And many of us focus on this. But don’t forget dividends. Even if the share price doesn’t go up, you gain if the company declares dividends.
This will make you build wealth over time. Two of our five recommended stocks give good yearly dividends. First Philippine Holdings (FPH) gives an average of 3.5 percent a year while Aboitiz Power gives 4.4 percent a year. That’s much more than what any bank gives.
There are other companies that give higher dividends (Example: PLDT gives eight percent), but we have to balance capital gains growth and dividends. We believe that our five SAM Stocks have more potential to grow than other higher dividend-paying stocks.
This will make you build wealth over time. Two of our five recommended stocks give good yearly dividends. First Philippine Holdings (FPH) gives an average of 3.5 percent a year while Aboitiz Power gives 4.4 percent a year. That’s much more than what any bank gives.
There are other companies that give higher dividends (Example: PLDT gives eight percent), but we have to balance capital gains growth and dividends. We believe that our five SAM Stocks have more potential to grow than other higher dividend-paying stocks.
4. Invest Slowly Over Time
Even if you have lots of money to invest, don’t put it all in one go. I always suggest to divide their big money into 6 to 12 parts, and invest slowly, putting one part a month. So you remove the question, “Is it the right time?” Ultimately, if you invest slowly over time, the answer to that question is, “Anytime is the right time.”
5. Buy When Markets Go Down
Warren Buffett said it best: “Be greedy when others are fearful.” But people do the very opposite: Be greedy when others are greedy.” So people buy when everyone is buying and sell when everyone is selling. No wonder 85 percent of people lose money in the stock market. Friends, today, people are fearful.
Because people are losing their money. Now is the time to invest. And with the Strategic Averaging Method (SAM), I give you a Buy Below-Price. For a couple of months now, you couldn’t buy Metrobank (MBT) because the share price went above our Buy Below-Price.
But this month, you can buy MBT because the price went below our Buy-Below-Price. This strategy will multiply your future profits, because you don’t chase a price all the way to the top.
6. Nothing Lasts Forever
For some time now, a few of our SAM Stocks are negative. Don’t worry. Nothing lasts forever. Bear markets (that’s when markets go down) don’t last. And by the way, bull markets (that’s when markets go up) don’t last either.
A TrulyRichClub member wrote to me a note last week. She said, “Hi Bo, just want you to know I’m so happy because I finally started my investments using the SAM. I’m down six percent, but I’m not worried because I’m investing for the long term!”
I feel so encouraged. My TrulyRichClub members are “getting it”. This is so important to me. Because once you “get it”, the system takes over—and if you remain faithful to the method, you’ll really end up a multimillionaire by retirement.
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez
PS. No matter where you are, I can still guide you in your financial life wherever you live—here or abroad. How? Join my TrulyRichClub now. Once you become a Gold Member, you’ll receive my twice-a-month Audio Power Talks, my twice-a-month Wealth Strategies newsletter, and a collection of my E-books brimming with practical wisdom. Including my powerful E-book, My Maid Invests In The Stock Market… And Why You Should Too!(you can get this copy for free on my recommended e-book pages)
PLUS, you’ll also receive my twice-a-month Stocks Update newsletter to guide you in how to create your multi-million Retirement Fund in Stocks. Personally, I believe now is the best time to get into Stock Market. Don’t wait. Seize the opportunity. For more details, log on to now.
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How will I know if the website is secure or not for transactions?
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How will I know if the website is secure or not for transactions?
Jumat, 16 September 2011
How will I know if the website is secure or not for transactions?
How will I know if the website is secure or not for transactions?
As I read an article Beware of the fake UnionBank website from pinoymoneytalk website this morning discussing and giving warning to his readers about phishing email that design to steal your valuable information such as bank account, credit card number and most commonly they want to steal your username and password of your online bank account.
So that it easily for them to access your online account and then transfer your money to another account. As he explained, he received an email with a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) link inside the email message telling that he must to click and go to a certain website in order to restore his account access in UnionBank of the Philippines. He knows that the site is fake that is why he immediately writes an article to warn his reader.
In connection to this article, I would like to raises awareness and share how will you know if the site you’re visiting is secure for transaction and will not compromise your information. It’s easy to find and determine which site is secure and which is not by looking and examining the Uniform Resource Locator (URL),the website address or simply by looking the first 4 letters the HTTP.
I will explain to you about the benefits of looking and examine the 4 first letter of the website address. I suggest don’t ever enter your personal information like your credit card information, bank account number etc. in an HTTP website.
But if the website address begins with HTTPS(with letter "S")it basically means your computer is talking to the website in a secure code that no one can eavesdrop on.
Now, what is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS?
Maybe you already knew this, but I thought it was very important enough to write and informs other who are not aware and know this.
First many people are unaware of the main difference between HTTP:// and HTTPS:// is. It's all about keeping you secure.
HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
Which is just a fancy way of saying it's a Protocol (a language in a manner of speaking). In order the information to be passed back and forth between web servers and client. The important thing is the letter "S" which makes the difference between HTTP and HTTPS.
The "S" stands for "Secure". If you visit a website or web page and look at the 4 first letter of a website address in the web browser, it will likely begin with the following:
HTTP://. It means that the website you visit is talking to your Browser (ex. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome) using the regular unsecured language.
In other words, it is possible for someone to "eavesdrop" on your computer's conversation with the website. If you fill out a form on the website, someone might able to see the information you send to that site.
In other words, it is possible for someone to "eavesdrop" on your computer's conversation with the website. If you fill out a form on the website, someone might able to see the information you send to that site.
This is why I suggest never ever enter your information like your credit Card, Bank account number etc. in an HTTP website.
But if the website address begins with HTTPS:// it basically means your computer is talking to a website in a secure code that no one can eavesdrop on.
To know and to find out, try to open any of your bank website, once you open the website you may notice their homepage is using HTTP only but once you log in and open your online bank account it will change to HTTPS for security reason.
I hope you learned something and understand why this is so important. If a website ever asks you again to enter your Bank and credit Card information better you should automatically look first and examine the site if the website address begins with HTTPS. If it doesn't, then beware there's no way you're going to enter your sensitive information to that website.
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Know how to protect you money
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Know how to protect you money
Kamis, 15 September 2011
Do You Have A Forgiving Attitude?
Do You Have A Forgiving Attitude?
Soulfood from Truly Rich Club.
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Truly Rich Club |
First clarification:
Forgiveness is different from Friendship. When you forgive someone, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be friends with him again. For example, when a business partner steals from you, you should forgive him. But that doesn’t mean you’ll take him back as your business partner again. That’s a separate decision you’ll have to make.
When your drunkard husband beats you up regularly, you should forgive him. But that doesn’t mean you should take him back as a husband again. One friend comes to mind: “Liza”. When I got to know her, her husband beat her up for the past 21 years. Her husband’s favorite tool of torture was his hammer.
When he was angry, he’d pick up his hammer, push her hand to the wall, and hammer her fingers to bloody pulp. I asked her, “Why did you stay with this monster for 21 years?” She said, “Because he asked me for his forgiveness.” I told her, “Don’t confuse forgiveness with stupidity. Forgive him, yes, but run away as far as possible from that monster.”
She said, “But I love him…”
I told her, “No, you don’t love him. You need him. You’re attached to him. But you don’t love him. If you really loved him, you would have walked out of that horrible marriage a long time ago. By staying there, you allowed him to continue in his sin of violence.” Let me say it again. Forgiveness and friendship are two different things that require two different decisions. Don’t confuse the two.
Second clarification. Please don’t be shocked with what I’m going to say next… Don’t Rush To Forgive If The Wound Is Grave When the hurt is very deep, don’t forgive right away. When someone hurts you deeply, God doesn’t require that you forgive right away.
When your husband commits adultery, or when an uncle molests you, or when a friend betrays you…, God doesn’t require that you drive out your feelings of anger “right now”. Why? Because we’re not robots with push buttons on our chest.
When your husband commits adultery, or when an uncle molests you, or when a friend betrays you…, God doesn’t require that you drive out your feelings of anger “right now”. Why? Because we’re not robots with push buttons on our chest.
In fact, God knows that we need to get angry for awhile as part of our healing. By getting angry, we restore our dignity. By getting angry, we love ourselves. By getting angry, we say, “What you did to me was terribly wrong. You violated me.” I repeat: The process of getting angry (for awhile) is part of your healing. Anger is like a medicine with an expiration date. Before that expiration date, anger is medicine.
After that expiration date, anger becomes poison. At the right time, God will ask you to surrender your anger. Which now brings me to our main message for today. Goal: To Have A Forgiving Attitude Today, my goal isn’t just to encourage you to forgive those who have wronged you in the past. Today, my goal is much more ambitious than that.
After that expiration date, anger becomes poison. At the right time, God will ask you to surrender your anger. Which now brings me to our main message for today. Goal: To Have A Forgiving Attitude Today, my goal isn’t just to encourage you to forgive those who have wronged you in the past. Today, my goal is much more ambitious than that.
My goal is to encourage you to develop a forgiving attitude. Forgiveness is an isolated act. But a forgiving attitude is who you are normally, usually, regularly… My belief? If you want to be happy in your life, you need to have a forgiving attitude.
Because you live amidst imperfect people. You were born into an imperfect family, with imperfect parents, with imperfect siblings.
Announcement: You’re imperfect too! (Unless you happen to be a perfect alien from a perfect planet.) Everyday, you’ll get hurt. Someone will step on your toe. Someone will stab your back. Someone will kick your behind. Someone will prick your pride. Someone will slander your name.
That’s why Jesus said, Forgive seventy times seven. (Matthew 18:21-22) That number is a Biblical symbol for “forever”
Believe me, if you don’t have a forgiving attitude, you can’t enjoy any imperfect relationship. Do You Have An Unforgiving Attitude? Here’s what I know. A person who has an unforgiving attitude is an unhappy person.
For example, when a waiter brings the wrong order, does it ruin your entire day? When a cashier makes a mistake, because she’s new, or she’s nervous, or she’s having her own family problems.
Do you roll up your eyeballs and sigh a sigh of exasperation? When a sister borrows your blouse without your permission and doesn’t return it washed and folded, do you fume for the rest of the day? When a friend forgets to say “thank you” for her birthday gift, do you nurse a grudge until your next birthday?
Here’s the crazy thing about unforgiveness. You can be moping and grumbling at home, while the person you’re angry with could be sunbathing in Boracay.
Here’s the crazy thing about unforgiveness. You can be moping and grumbling at home, while the person you’re angry with could be sunbathing in Boracay.
Face it. Unforgiveness isn’t very wise. Be Selfish: Have A Forgiving Attitude! A wise man said, Forgiveness is first of all a gift you give yourself. Forgiveness is almost a selfish act because of the incredible blessing the forgiver gets!
Imagine this scenario. You’re so angry at someone, you decide to buy Triple-X poison from the drugstore. Upon reaching home, you drink the entire bottle yourself! And then you hope that the person who offended you dies because of the poison.
Pretty insane, right? But that’s the insanity of the unforgiving attitude. I know of a woman who caught her husband having many affairs. It totally devastated her. It was such a deep wound, her bitterness slowly killed her body. She had cancer and after 2 years passed away. What happened to her husband? Still with his many girlfriends.
My friend is wiser. She had a business partner who stole from her P8 Million. She thought it was the end of the world. She’d go to me at our weekly Feast, asking me to pray for her.
And in her heart, she made a decision to forgive her business partner. She refused to remain stuck. She didn’t spend time thinking how to avenge herself. She moved on. Today, my friend has recovered from that loss—and so much more. Her God is prospering her business. The business partner who stole from her? She heard that she was in jail—because of another crime. My friend did the unthinkable: She visited her in jail.
And in her heart, she made a decision to forgive her business partner. She refused to remain stuck. She didn’t spend time thinking how to avenge herself. She moved on. Today, my friend has recovered from that loss—and so much more. Her God is prospering her business. The business partner who stole from her? She heard that she was in jail—because of another crime. My friend did the unthinkable: She visited her in jail.
Move On!
Many years ago, I heard through the grapevine that I was being accused of using people’s donations to buy myself a car. That hurt. (If I used the donations to buy myself a car, I would have bought a Rolls Royce.) I later learned that a friend had spread that gossip. But on that same day, I forgave that friend in my heart.
Why? Because I was being “selfish”. Here was my logic: It’s bad enough that he hurt me once. Why let him hurt me again (and again and again…) by rewinding the tapes of his sin in my mind? Friend, if someone has hurt you—don’t let that hurt ruin your life. Don’t let a betrayal, or divorce, or adultery, or unfaithfulness destroy your life and your destiny.
Forgive and move on with your life! Forgiveness means you won’t invest emotional energy to your hurt anymore. Some people don’t do that. They like rewinding the tapes. They like reviewing the hurt in their imagination. They like opening an old wound and puncturing it again. And again. And again. What’s the Solution? To heal our unforgiving attitude, we must ask, “What is the root of unforgiveness?”
From experience, our inability to forgive others comes from our inability to forgive ourselves. Yes, it can be that simple. If you don’t receive God’s mercy, you can’t give mercy to others. The Bible says, Forgive as the Lord forgave you. (Colossians 3:13).
I remember Felipe. Felipe told me he has a hard time forgiving others. But as we continued talking, I found out something very glaring about him that he may not have noticed. When he himself does something wrong, he becomes very miserable. He doesn’t allow himself to be happy.
In other words, he punishes himself. Even if Felipe asks for God’s forgiveness, (and verbally, he’ll tell you he believes that God forgives him), he’ll subconsciously find a way to pay for his sins. By not being happy. By suffering. He wants to pay for his sins. He demands it upon himself. Result? When others offend him (and he gets easily offended), he uses the same standards. He wants them to pay up as well.
There are still isolated Catholics who practice flogging. (Other religions practice this too.) These penitents whip themselves as a way of punishing themselves for their sins. I’ve met Christians who no longer carry a physical whip, but they carry an invisible whip. When they make a mistake, they whip themselves “bloody” in their emotions. They condemn themselves. They walk through life depressed. They accept all suffering as just rewards for their sins—even suffering that’s totally unrelated to their mistakes.
They say they believe God loves them. They even sing about God’s Love. They’ll even tell you that they believe God has forgiven them. But internally, they insist on paying for their sins. Friend, if there’s one thing I want you to learn today, it is this: Stop trying to pay for your sins! Rest in His mercy. Let God pay for your sins. God Desires Mercy, Not Sacrifice From experience, it’s these people that have an unforgiving attitude. Because one cannot give what one has not really received.
They say they believe God loves them. They even sing about God’s Love. They’ll even tell you that they believe God has forgiven them. But internally, they insist on paying for their sins. Friend, if there’s one thing I want you to learn today, it is this: Stop trying to pay for your sins! Rest in His mercy. Let God pay for your sins. God Desires Mercy, Not Sacrifice From experience, it’s these people that have an unforgiving attitude. Because one cannot give what one has not really received.
God says, I desire mercy, not sacrifice. (Matthew 9:13)
But there are people who like sacrifice. They want to keep sacrificing to God for their sins. And worse, they want others to sacrifice for their sins.
But God wants mercy. I believe the root of all unforgiveness is fear. Fear that if you don’t let “them” pay for their mistakes, you’ll never get back what you lost. Not understanding that these people can’t pay anyway. Here’s the big problem: Only God can pay you. I was molested as a child. But I’ve long realized that my molesters can’t pay me back. They can’t return to my innocence. They can’t return to me the 20 years of agony.
But God can. Let God Pay You God saw you when you were offended. Hurt. Abandoned. If someone stole from you, or hurt you, or offended you, read this verse: God says, Your shame and disgrace are ended. You will live in your own land. And your wealth will be doubled; Your joy will last forever. (Isaiah 61:7)
What is God saying? He’s telling you, “Let me handle your case. Put the situation in my hands. I’ll see to it that you’ll receive double than what you’ve lost. I’ll see to it that you’ll gain back what was stolen from you.” As long as you let go and forgive, God will be your vindicator.
He’ll make your wrongs right.
He’ll return what the enemy has stolen.
He’ll even the score.
Remember Job? Job’s friends were trying to comfort him, but they said some hurtful things to him too. Look at what the Bible says: Then, after Job had prayed for his three friends, the Lord made him prosperous again and gave him twice as much as he had had before. (Job 42:10)
If you forgive and pray for your enemies, get ready to be very blessed! This was the story of my friend Mark. Mark lent P1 Million to his business partner. It was a huge amount for my friend. But this partner ran away. This devastated Mark. It wasn’t only the money but the betrayal.
But instead of being bitter, staying at home, thinking of ways to get back at him, my friend Mark decided to expand his small business. Instead of spending his time cursing his enemy, he spent his time blessing his business.
After one year, Mark is now earning P1 Million every month. The exact money he lost, he earns now in a snap. And what happened to the man who stole his money? Through the grapevine, Mark found out that the guy was still financially hard up. You don’t have to see to it that justice is done. Because the universe is governed by the Law of Reciprocity.
What you sow, you reap. Read carefully: Unforgiveness is taking matters in your hands. Forgiveness is taking matters into God’s hands. The Path Of Blessings Let me define forgiveness for you: Being kind beyond what is reasonable.
What you sow, you reap. Read carefully: Unforgiveness is taking matters in your hands. Forgiveness is taking matters into God’s hands. The Path Of Blessings Let me define forgiveness for you: Being kind beyond what is reasonable.
Yes, forgiveness is insane. On October 2, 2006, thirty-two-year old Charles Roberts entered an Amish school with an automatic rifle. He tied up the legs of schoolgirls and prepared to shoot them, execution style. The oldest hostage, a thirteen-year-old, asked Roberts to “shoot me and release the others.” But he didn’t listen to her. He fired at all of them with 400 rounds of ammunition.
He killed five girls. When the police stormed into the school building, Charles Roberts shot and killed himself. Why did he shoot the girls? He told them before shooting, “I’m angry at God for taking my little daughter.”
Immediately after the massacre, more than fifty news crews came into that small town. And what they witnessed was unbelievable. After the funeral of their daughters, the families of these girls visited the funeral of the family of their murderer. Why did they go there? They went there to offer words of forgiveness and consolation to his widow and her three children.
As if that wasn’t shocking enough, these families raised money for their murderer’s orphaned family.
Insanity. Why did the Amish do this unexplainable thing? Because the Amish are Christians. They follow the Bible when it says, “Love does not keep a record of wrongs.” Yes, even if that wrong was killing their little daughter.
This is the mark of God in your life. When you treat well the people who don’t deserve to be treated well. I have my little story of forgiveness. In the past 30+ years of ministry, I’ve had my critics. Some criticized with love. Some criticized with venom.
Someone told me, “Bo, better read this blog. This guy calls you the devil’s servant.” I read his articles. It was true, the writer didn’t like me very much. He said I brought a lot of people to hell. This is what I did: Instead of getting angry, I prayed blessings for him and his family. When I did that, I cannot describe to you how free and happy I felt. And I also felt that God’s river of blessings began to flow more into my life. It’s now your turn.
Have a forgiving attitude. And bless all those who have offended you. And believe that you’ll receive double what you have lost.
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez
PS. No matter where you are, I can still guide you in your financial life wherever you live—here or abroad. How? Join my TrulyRichClub now. Once you become a Gold Member, you’ll receive my twice-a-month Audio Power Talks, my twice-a-month Wealth Strategies newsletter, and a collection of my E-books brimming with practical wisdom. Including my powerful E-book, My Maid Invests In The Stock Market… And Why You Should Too!(you can get this copy for free on my recommended e-book pages)
PLUS, you’ll also receive my twice-a-month Stocks Update newsletter to guide you in how to create your multi-million Retirement Fund in Stocks. Personally, I believe now is the best time to get into Stock Market. Don’t wait. Seize the opportunity. For more details, log on to now.
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